Monday, April 9, 2012



Would you like to go on a Titanic Memorial Voyage?  I think that I'd find it a bit creepy, but I also think that it's a lovely way in which to pay tribute to those who died on the great ship.

The Balmoral has set off on her memorial voyage with people from over 28 countries aboard, including about 300 Australians.  Many of the 1309 passengers are descendants of the passengers on the Titanic.  (The Titanic also had 1309 passengers).

The passengers, including a few happy children, set off excitedly.  Many of them dressed in Edwardian costume for the occasion, including one who looked extremely smart in a replica of Kate Winslett's beautiful 'boarding dress' in the 1997 film.

A candlelit dinner and a memorial service will be held when the ship sails over the exact spot in the Atlantic where the great ship sank.

Read more here: Titanic Memorial Voyage

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